People tell me i drove dangerously fast...
Tetibe gambo gadis litar... |
and i said no...not really, i don't drive that fast! Few times when carpooling back to KL, my passengers kept on saying that i do. Okay, come to think of it...i will admit that at times i do speed but not dangerously. Well, what do you do when you are in a highway and the road invites you to speed...he...he...
At one time, my car was even stopped by the police for speeding. Let me tell you this, i had never been caught speeding 'live'. I mean at one time, i did get 'saman ekor' but never like this. However with my 'charms' (LoL), the policeman just gave me a warning. Did i slow down? Nope, heh.
I do get annoyed when people tells me that i am speeding. Come on, guys! I've seen others who drove much more faster than me and dangerously furthermore. When you know your car and trust it, you'll know the limit it can go and whether it's perilous (new word, check it out!). For me, i don't think that i am reckless. But from the eyes of others, they saw it. It does affect me somehow and i am trying to change it.
I am going to drive safely and try not to speed.....really!